Karien Deroo was born in a small village in the South-West of Belgium. From childhood she loved to draw and paint like so many children, but with her specific talent it was clear that she would further develop this path, so she went to art school; first in the local academy in her hometown, then her secondary education in Bruges and graduating in Ghent in her twenties as a graphic designer. Somewhere in between she took lessons in graphic techniques such as etching and linocuts and in 2008 she became interested in oil painting and started to learn the technique in a self-taught way by studying the old masters. She uses the classic portrait and landscape to depict themes such as the state of mind of inner turmoil and the search for individuality.
Her work is part of various private collections at home and abroad.
Lives and works in Bruges and Sint-Laureins, Belgium
Master degree, LUCA, school of arts, Campus Sint-Lucas, Ghent, Belgium
- 2022 | Multidisciplinary event EDEN, Roeselare, group show
- 2021 | Atelier 111, Roeselare, curated by Isidoor Goddeeris, group show
- 2021 | Cc Zwaneberg, Heist op den Berg, ‘Das – Dingenen, een greep uit de collectie’, group show
- 2021 | De Tank + De Burg, Brugge, curated by Alex Vanhee, ‘Hedendaagse Primitieven’, group show
- 2021 | VD Auctions & Soroptimist International, Online auction, ‘Kunst en cultuur voor Tejo’, group show
- 2020 | Morbee Gallery, Knokke-Heist, curated by Daan Rau, ‘De Blik/Le Regard/Der Blick/The Gaze’, group show
- 2019 | BAD Belgium Art & Design, Ghent, curated by Daan Rau, solo booth
- 2019 | Ten Gallery, Knokke, ‘Expositie’, group show
- 2019 | Open Atelier Weekend, Brugge, open-door
- 2018 | Cc de Brouckere, Torhout, ‘Wakker Kijken’, solo show
- 2018 | Atelierjacking, Brugge, open-door
- 2017 | Aporia Gallery, Brussels, curated by Bart Roefmans, ‘Insiders’ Memories’, solo show
- 2017 | BAD Belgium Art & Design, Ghent, curated by Willem Elias, invited by mecenas Kris Pieters, solo booth
- 2016 | ‘TZIEN, Mechelen, ‘We’ve been awake for so long’, solo show
- 2015 | Veiling Kunst voor Nepal, Ghent, Vooruit, group show
- 2015 | het Godshuis, Sint-Laureins, ‘Kunst in het Godshuis met Karien Deroo’, solo show
- 2014 | Gallery/Atelier QuARTier A, Aalst, ‘Brushstroke Perceptions’, group show
- 2013 | Gallery NavArt, Sint-Niklaas, curated by Stef Bellingen, ‘Barefoot’, solo show
- 2013 | Galerie Pinsart, Brugge, curated by Sabine Pinsart, ‘Die Wunderkammern’, group show
- 2013 | Cc de spil, Roeslare, ‘overview works 2008-2012’, duo show
- 2012 | Bozar, Brussels, ‘Canvascollectie – Collection RTBF 2012’, group show
- 2012 | Galerie Pinsart, Brugge, ‘1.000.047ste Verjaardag van de Kunst’, group show
- 2011 | Lineart/the border, Ghent, anticipation with Galerie Pinsart
- 2011 | Galerie Pinsart, Brugge, ‘Hanging out in history’, duo show
- 2010 | Lakenhallen Ieper, Ieper, ‘Nationale Prijs voor Schilderkunst Louise Dehem’, group show
- 2010 | Prijs voor Grafiek Fonds Hilde Demedts, Deinze, jury: Reniere & Depla, Dirk De Koninck, Michaël Borremans, Jan Dhaese, group show
- 2009 | Printed: 25 jaar vrije grafiek, Roeselare, SASK, cc De Spil, Galerie Blomme, group show
- 2008 | Oost Kust Kunst, Duinbergen, cc Knokke-Heist, Lagunahal, group show
- 2007 | One, solo show with etchings, Ghent, Tashun, solo show
- 2002 | Paintings & Drawings, 2 illustrators, Roeselare, cc De Spil, duo show
- 1999 | La Mostra Illustratori della Fiera del Libro per Ragazzi, Bologna & Itabashi Art Museum, Tokio, selection in the section fiction, group show
- 1997 | Het Bibliofiele Boek & Grafiek, Roeselare, Galerie Blomme, group show
- 2021 | Bookcover “Man with cherries” on the novel “Eurotrash” by Christian Kracht, Singel Uitgeverijen/De Arbeiderspers
- 2021 | Hedendaagse Primitieven: Alex Vanhee & Benedikte Van Eeghem, PK Projects i.s.m. Port Authority Zeebrugge
- 2021 | TheArtCouchMagazine: Online veiling: koop kunst & cultuur voor het goede doel! Annelies Vanbelle
- 2021 | Bookcover “Man with cherries” on the novel “Eurotrash” by Christian Kracht, Publishing House Kiepenheuer & Witsch
- 2020 | TheArtCouchMagazine #4: Karien Deroo, een obsessieve liefdesverklaring aan de verf, recensie Annelies Vanbelle
- 2017 | TheArtCouchMagazine: Een kijkje in het schetsboek van … Karien Deroo, recensie Frederic De Meyer
- 2016 | TheArtCouchMagazine : De zoektocht naar expressie en abstractie, over het werk van Karien Deroo, recensie Frederic De Meyer
- 2016 | (H) art: Schilderijen van Karien Deroo in Mechelen: wakker kijken, recensie Eliane Van Den Ende
- 2015 | Beklijvend met verf, recensie Johan Debruyne
- 2012 | Catalogus Canvascollectie-Collection RTBF 2012
- 2012 | Marta Kunstmagazine Lente editie 2
- 2012 | All rights reserved, Society6-book
- 2011 | (H) art # 87
- 2011 | http://tenwordsandoneshot.com/karien-deroo/
- 2010 | http://paperdarts.org/literary-magazine/art-karien-deroo.html